What is the role of teacher?
I never deeply think about this issue, because its answer is too obvious. Teacher is a person who gives knowledge to students. Then, where is teacher’s knowledge from? Of course, we know that answer: It is from their academic experiences, especially, college education

First, I think 'teacher of today' should act like an electric USB hub because it connects every informations together and collects all the information from each USB into the main computer. We can select any information what we need for some tasks and modify some information according to the collected informations. Like these, the teacher should connect and select all the necessary knowledge from outside source and convey the core knowledge to students.
From Siemens’ article of Connectivism, the author argued that;

First, I think 'teacher of today' should act like an electric USB hub because it connects every informations together and collects all the information from each USB into the main computer. We can select any information what we need for some tasks and modify some information according to the collected informations. Like these, the teacher should connect and select all the necessary knowledge from outside source and convey the core knowledge to students.
From Siemens’ article of Connectivism, the author argued that;
“Personal knowledge is comprised of a network, which feeds into organizations and institutions, which in turn feed back into the network, and then continue to provide learning to individual. This cycle of knowledge development (personal to network to organization) allows learners to remain current in their field through the connections they have formed”.
Then, now we have to reconsider the fact that teachers’ knowledge could be derived from ‘network’, not from their academic experiences. Today’s teacher should have an access to the ‘network’ which provides an ample of learning and current knowledge.

Second, I think the teacher should also be guiding the students to become hubs as well. The information which is collected and selected from teahcer could be regenerated among students' interaction. They could make and add very new concept on the original one, likewise USB hub could connect each USB in a very various manner, they can contact and even creat their own hubs for their own purposes. Teacher's role should not be confined only as a deliverer (connecter), but it sould be extended as a regenerator of creating a new hub.
Finally, the teacher of today should take a role as a connector of current knowledge, like an USB hub, and as a regenerator (supporter) of creating a new hub, so teachers should keep connecting all the new information through ‘network’, and keep arranging all the information to support build new information hub among students.
I would like to finish my posting with citing from the video, ‘The Changing Nature of Knowledge’:
“It’s not just what we know today that’s important. It’s our ability to continue to stay current as knowledge changes”.
I think that your choice of the quote about staying current will be especially true from now on!